Nice that to meet you!

Hello, I'm Lina, founder of Steyner Straps, as well as
a graphic designer and a passionate musician. I love being creative
making music and being on stage. For a long time I was looking for a guitar strap that would meet my very high demands. It should stand out and also be perceived as a fashion accessory. It should be colourful, patterned and classy. Since
because of a back operation, I attached great importance to maximum comfort,
I needed a belt that glides gently over my shoulder
and is hardly noticeable. Furthermore, I attach great importance to quality and sustainability. I would like to decide on a harness once and
ideally enjoy it for many years. I wanted a
guitar strap that combines all of this and with which I can make my individual

The most comfortable and high-quality thing that I finally
have in my hands I fell in love with padded leather straps, but they were too
boring and monotonous to look at.

So in 2016 my mission to create special, patterned guitar straps
with which I could make my personal "statement “ to quality,
sustainability, design, comfort and passion. Since
I have been producing handmade straps with perfection down to
the smallest detail in my small workshop on the edge of the Ruhr area fulfilled a lifelong dream and I'm
very happy about the great feedback from enthusiastic
Steyner Straps owners.

Thank you for your trust.



The Steyner Crew

  • Elena

    Sewing Expert

  • Verena


  • Astrid

    Queen of rivets